CPI Patent Information

This is a listing of our patents and registration/trademark information for curtain products. This is not a complete listing of intellectual property for products sold and/or produced by our companies. Some items may have patent information marked directly on the product, packaging or literature and may not be listed on this website. Creative Products International, Inc. and our affiliated companies reserves the right to correct any errors. Please contact CPI with any questions.
Patent Information CPI Part Number
5294009 part # - N/A — Laundry Cart Apparatus
5531464 part # - N/A — Cart with Snap Locking members
7160044 part # - N/A — Mop Assembly and Cart
9713412 part # - N/A — Cleaning System
9957725 eTROWEL — Multi-Purpose Cleaning Trowel
Pending eTROWEL — Multi-Purpose Cleaning Trowel
Pending eTROWEL — Multi-Purpose Cleaning Trowel
Pending eTROWEL — Multi-Purpose Cleaning Trowel
Registration Number Mark
TX8-354-301 2016 FULL LINE CATALOG - CPI
5314731 eCART
TX0008059722 eCART SYSTEMS
5151215 eDOUBLE
016303273 016303273
5449171 eSeries
5151213 eTROWEL
016310881 eTROWEL
5151216 eWAVE
016303257 eWAVE
pending i-CART
5449170 i-Fiber
016280729 i-Fiber
pending i-Scrub
016280745 i-Scrub